A few hair saviors I swear by

A few weeks ago, I posted about all of the hair care products that I consider my tried and trues, my ride or dies. You’ll be able to tell from the post, that I am a big fan of Oribe products, because I just think you really pay for a quality product.
But I was chatting with one of my friends last week about a few of our favorite hair products that have really saved our color treated hair. Because let’s be honest, whether it’s infrequent highlights, a single process to cover your grays, or a foray into the world of platinum blondes (it me!), treating your hair with color really does change the texture and strength of your hair.
When I decided to return back from blonde to brunette, I had a lot of work to do. My hair was not in the worst shape, but it certainly lacked the fullness and strength it had had before I went platinum. I ultimately decided to stick with a brunette color that was closely matched to my natural hair color so I could focus more on making my hair healthy, again. And I decided no highlights for at least 6 months, which was very hard to resist.
At that time, I was washing my hair almost every other day. I have always had fine hair, and so not washing my hair didn’t feel like an option for me, especially with how much I worked out. One of the first products that really started to save my hair was a great hair mask. There are great ones on the market, but you should find one that meets the exact needs you have.

When I first wanted to really restore the health of my hair, my hair stylist got me hooked on this Shu Uemara silk bloom restorative hair mask. I love this mask, and still think it is an incredible product. I’ve had multiple friends buy it and tell me that they love it, too. If you have brittle ends, or you just feel like your hair isn’t as strong as it could be, or if you want that beautiful shine of healthy hair, then this mask is a must-try. It’s another pricier product, and I would never share something that wasn’t worth the money, but this is an absolute yes for me.
Now, my hair is super healthy, and I am not as concerned with the breakage I was before. After about a year of using that mask, I made the switch to a mask that would focus on protecting my color while also keeping my hair healthy. I love this mask for beautiful color from Oribe, and I will share this product over and over again.
My best tip for using these masks is to get your hair wet before you shower, and let this mask sit on your hair for a good 30 minutes to an hour. This makes such a huge difference, and when you wash it out, your hair will feel like silk. I like to do this while I am taking a bath, so I get in some extra self-care time, too.
Very honestly, I justify the price of these masks because I don’t really even use conditioner that often, unless I am in a rush to wash to my hair in the morning. When you use a quality mask like this, you don’t need the extra conditioner, because your hair is always nourished enough. Bottom line, if you’re looking to help your hair, invest in a quality mask, and don’t be afraid to ask your stylist for a recommendation- they know your hair best.
When I do wash my hair, which I will share a bit more about in a minute, I usually go ahead and dry and style it. I use a lot of heat on my hair, but I have really found a way to prevent that heat from significantly damaging my hair. I don’t even remember how I found this product, but it has seriously changed the way I style my hair, and kept my hair so healthy.
I was wearing this turquoise turban in my most recent Instagram video, and that’s what sparked the conversation between my friend and I about these products we love so much. The Aquis hair towel is just the absolute best hair product for any hair type, especially if you deal with frizz, humidity and heat damage.
This little towel is so special and I honestly am not sure why it seems to help so much. According to their information, when you wash your hair, the water basically opens up the outer layer of your hair strands, which then allows for them to be more vulnerable to the damage of heat. This towel soaks up a ton of moisture so that you aren’t, a) using hot tools on very wet hair, causing more damage and requiring more heat to dry, and b) your hair is less frizzy when you dry it. If you have curly hair, this is a great product, as the friction from a regular bath towel is one of the biggest culprits for frizz.
You will cut down your drying time, allowing you to speed up your morning routine. But you can do this without damaging your hair. Everyone who is wondering- really, a towel? That’s the secret? YES – that’s the secret. Jump on board. The best $30 you will ever spend for your hair.
My last hair savior is for all those people who can never ever figure out how to hold a blow dryer and a brush at the same time. That’s me, for sure. I was never quite sure what I was doing with a round brush and a blow dryer, and ended up with a bizarre mess of a blow out that I would end up having to straighten after.
Enter, the hair dryer and brush combined in one. If you have not jumped on board this train, you are missing out. This type of hot tool gives you a salon quality blow out that lasts for day. That’s right – days. I wash my hair about every 4-5 days. I could last a week if I really wanted to. And I work out almost daily.
The secret is really this round brush hair styler. I have had the Revlon version of this brush, which is equally as wonderful. But I love the Hot Tools version more, only because I feel like I get an extra shine from it. If you do your research, you’ll find out they are all built in the same factory anyways, so buy what works for your budget.
I cannot even tell you how many people I have convinced to buy this product. And there are some tips that I will share, too. Use this with your hair turban, and you won’t get the breakage. If your hair is too wet when you blow it out, you’ll be using this forever. You want damp-dry hair to get the best, and quickest blow out with this tool.
For a post-workout refresh, I use this when I finish. I shower without washing my hair, and then I use this on my hair (a little damp from the humidity of the shower) to do a quick touch up on three big sections of hair – it takes less than five minutes.
Because of this brush, I don’t have to do as much hot tool styling on a regular basis. This gives me the volume I want, and leaves my hair so much healthier. I promise this will eliminate so much damage if you use this regularly.
If you’re ready to save your hair, try any one of these products. While everyone’s hair journey is different, this things are some of the biggest reasons my hair is as long and healthy as it is, today, even while coloring it every 6 weeks.