The Weekly

The Weekly, 10.18.21

It’s been a month of radio silence on the blog, and I’m (attempting) to get back at it! Life has been…busy. I always knew starting this unique and unprecedented (so sick of this word, but is there another way to say it?) school year was going to be hard, but to be in it is totally different, and much, much harder. That being said, change isn’t always bad, and I think that we are finding the best parts of what we learned over the last year and a half, and bringing back the elements of things tried and true now that we are back in-person, and things are working, even if it doesn’t always feel like that.

Back to the blog…

I love this blog, and I need to spend more time doing things for me that allow me to expend some creative energy. So I’m going back to basics, and I’ve got a Weekly chock-full of skincare and fashion for you, with a few recent saviors in the mix. It finally feels like Fall this morning, as I write this, and I’ve got the windows open, the candles burning, a cozy sweater on, and the cutest little mini-pumpkin bouquet in my window. Life is good…this truly is the best season. Let’s jump in!


01 Ⅰ The worst part of work so far? The acne. I put together a post a few weeks ago on how I was handling my acne, but the truth is, wearing a mask has made it so much worse, and I am really struggling, even being the skincare queen that I am. I’ve got a terrible combination of whiteheads and cystic acne all around my face, and I am trying everything to try and get it in check, because I can’t change wearing a mask all day – it is my reality. The serum I am turning to? This salicylic acid based serum from Caudalie, the same line as one of my favorite toners I’ve shared before. Salicylic acid is great for acne-prone skin, because it draws out excess oil. The key for me? As someone with dry skin, it’s important to pair it with extra hydrating products to ensure I don’t strip my skin. See my next two products – I got you, dry skin friends.

02 Ⅰ This skincare product is new to my routine, but I absolutely love it. I got a free sample with a recent Sephora order, and purchased it immediately, because I love the added hydration and glow it gave my skin. This serum has a delicious citrus smell, and is the perfect add-on to any skincare routine for a little something extra. Is it necessary? Probably not. But it is delightful, and I definitely feel it gives the rest of your routine a boost. It’s an antioxidant serum that helps protect the skin from daily damage, locks in hydration, and calms inflammation, which is helpful for my kind of acne situation I’ve got going on. I’m adding 2-3 drops of this before I put on my moisturizer, both AM and PM, and I am really pleased with the results.

03 Ⅰ Like I said above, while I want to fight the blackheads and whiteheads on my face with a salicylic acid, I also have dry skin, which the mask-wearing exacerbates. So I need to find products that help build helpful hydration in my skincare routines. I’ve always been a fan of facial oils, so I’ve been dying to try this new product from Summer Fridays. I picked it up recently, and am really enjoying it. It’s unscented, packed with more of those antioxidants, and probably one of the quickest absorbing oils I have ever used, which makes it perfect for daytime use under my mask, without making me oily. If you have oilier, combination or acne-prone skin, this is definitely a great oil to bring into your routine.

04 Ⅰ Taking a tangential turn here – I was thinking about the things I am loving and wanted to share, and the truth is, this agenda, while potentially lame, is something that has saved me over the last few weeks. In my last Weekly post, I shared a pretty agenda I got. And while I do love that one for its compact size, the chaos of this school year is just demanding a bit more. So I picked up this affordable agenda on Amazon, and honestly, I love it. It has amazing reviews for a reason, and it’s under $20. It’s got a great weekly layout with space for tasks during the day, and then a time breakdown below, which helps for remembering meetings and scheduling out after-school activities. I think this may be my agenda moving forward – LOVE.

05 Ⅰ Another must-have in my work life is this hand sanitizer from Dove. I abhor hand sanitizer, but I also understand it’s necessity. I have such dry skin, especially my hands, that most just completely strip my skin and dry it out. But this hand sanitizer is wonderful – not only does it have that nostalgic (for me, as I grew up using Dove soap) and classic soap scent, but it’s incredibly moisturizing and is the only one I have found for a decent price, in-stock that I now have it on my desk and am fine to share. If you’re looking for one for work, this is a great option and comes in a four pack for under $20.

06 Ⅰ I shared in my last newsletter that I started the nuuly monthly clothing rental box, and I am still enjoying it, with my second box being an even bigger hit. I know I am not alone with the return to work leading to a realization that most of my pre-pandemic pants don’t fit, and that I apparently only purchased ripped jeans during my pandemic life, so in this month’s order I included some jeans for myself. I am a big fan of the Levi’s Ribcage style for that classic stiff denim, vintage feel but that actually fit curvy thighs/hips. This pair is no different; I sized up, and they are comfortable, very high-waisted, booty-lifting, and a great wash without rips (why is this so hard to find?). I took my usual size, unlike most Levi’s, and I will definitely be keeping them. Curvy peoples, rejoice!

07 Ⅰ The shoe trends are chunky this year, and much to Chris’ disappointment, I am a fan. My high school self is most definitely laughing at my recent order history, as I tried a pair of Doc Marten lug-soled loafers that would have honored my high school dress code and I would have hated wearing. Those did not fit (I am really striking out with shoe shopping lately), and went back, so I tried this pair from Free People, and love. This trend is most definitely not for everyone, and you should only try trends you find wearable. But these totally fit the bill for me, and were honestly quite comfortable. I paired them with a midi-dress, but I am going to love them with leather leggings and jeans as the temperatures cool down. I went a half-size up, but could have stayed true to size.

08 Ⅰ Let the lug-sole trend live on. It is definitely having a moment in footwear, and I was on the hunt for a pair of black, Chelsea-style boots with the lug sole look. I got a pair from Zara that ripped immediately upon putting on (you get what you pay for sometimes), and decided it was worth the splurge for the pair I’d actually been eyeing. I love this pair from Loeffler Randall, and scored them on sale during the Shopbop sale last week. They are pricey, but I have another pair of boots from this brand, and the quality is well-worth it for boots that will last. I can’t wait to pair these with dresses for an unexpected pairing, and with straight-leg jeans.

09 Ⅰ Another item from my most recent nuuly box that I was so excited to try was this quarter-zip from Varley that I have had my eye on since last winter. I love a quarter-zip sweatshirt, especially a sweatshirt that is appropriate for work. The quality of this is gorgeous, and I love the folding neck – I have seen this worn a couple of ways, and it comes in so many pretty Fall colors. I see this as an all-season sweater, and one that I will definitely be purchasing. It’s very much worth the price tag, and I think we are going to be seeing a lot of this brand in sweaters this year. Casual, comfortable and classic – that’s unbeatable for me.

10 Ⅰ It’s officially sweater season, so I couldn’t go without mentioning this one. I am in love with the Jenni Kayne version of this sweater, but not the $400 price tag. So in my search for something similar, I came across this cashmere-cotton blend sweater form J.Crew, and snagged it on sale (they have so many sales this time of year, especially as we close in on the holidays). I went with the gray, which I think will be a nice new addition to my wardrobe, and an easy throw-on option on days when I need an extra layer, with jeans or dresses. It has a boxier, oversized fit, and reviews say order a size down, so I went with a Medium. This is an excellent basic for all-seasons, as well.

11 Ⅰ I can’t understand how it’s already been more than a month since I was spending my days on the beach, but alas, here we are. And gone is my summer glow…I found this self-tanning lotion last year, and I repurchased it now that I’m in need, again, and I was reminded of why it’s worth it. It does not have that gross scent many self-tanners do, but instead has a floral, earthy kind of scent. I do a generous squirt and one pump of my Necessaire body serum, and never have any issues with streaking. It’s a very natural build.

12 Ⅰ The last item is a little treat myself something that I treated myself to last week; it’s been really hard these last few weeks, and sometimes, you just need a little something to lift your spirits, something you wouldn’t usually indulge in. I’ve heard this perfume from Diptyque described as the adult version of my teen spirit’s Warm Vanilla Sugar, but it’s so much better than that. Spicy, bold and just a touch sweet, this is a really delicious scent that feels perfect for the colder months. I’m pretty sensitive to perfume, so I’ll be using it sparingly on days I feel up to it, which means it will last me a long time. There’s only a handful of scents I can really tolerate or even like on myself, and this is definitely one of them.

Here’s to hoping it doesn’t take me another month to get back into the blog consistently, but I am also working on have patience and grace for myself as life brings new challenges and stressors, even with positive changes. I love sharing what I love, and making space for that is always a goal of mine when I feel that capacity. Thanks for all of the patience and support of this platform – it’s always appreciated.

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