Life + Style

Jumping into Fall with the Otherland Homestead candle collection

Despite the ongoing heat and humidity, we officially enter Fall this week. And that means, it’s candle season! I don’t know if it’s just that I’m back in my apartment after a summer of going back and forth to the shore, or just a need to conjur all of the cozy and comfortable vibes I can at home, but I love Fall and winter candle scents so much. Crisp, spicy and earthy, all of my favorite elements are there in the candles created for cooler months and the holiday seasons.

I was so honored and excited when one of my favorite companies that I have shared about for a while reached out to me to be one of their “First Flames.” Otherland is an incredible, Brooklyn-based candle company that I discovered through a friend two years ago. And I still love their candles for their long burn-time, gorgeous packaging, and revolving, seasonal scents. So when they offered to send me their new Homestead collection, it was an automatic yes and a week of major anticipation.

Now, with six candles in their new collection, I expected at least one to be a no-go for me. But here we are, with six delicious scents that I love. And no time like the present, after one crazy hot and chaotic first-week back at school, to manifest all of the Fall vibes I can to bring a little joy at home and pray for crisp Autumn days ahead.

I thought it would be fun to give you a quick review of the scents, and share what I love most from the collection. Candles are such a great way to treat yourself, show some self-care, or send as a gift to others for a special treat. Here’s my breakdown…

I was most drawn to this candle first, and it’s definitely for a reason! I want to preface by saying I am not usually a fan of rose or any floral or super sweet smelling candles, but that spicy smell really got me! If you like rose, this is still a must for you. But if you’re sensitive to those floral scents, this one offers an edge and earthiness with that hot chili, and some sweeter notes with the pomegranate. This would absolutely be in my top three if you’re looking for something that easily transitions from summer to fall.

Sriracha Rose, $36

Hands-down, my favorite candle of the collection, Spice it up is just the right amount of sweet, reminding me of an iced chai latte. Another candle that can feels appropriate between seasons, but the perfect version of Fall for me. It’s got brown sugar, cut with some smokey wood and spicy peppercorn – it’s just really comfortable and my ideal kind of scent. It’s fruitier then I anticipated, but in a delightful and balanced kind of way.

Spice it up, $36

I think this one is a basic girl’s favorite Fall candle, and I mean that with zero shade to my fellow basics. While I’m not a PSL person at heart, there’s a reason something becomes basic – because it’s easy to love, just like Fall. Woodlands combines so many of my favorite elements in a candle, and gives a gorgeous woodsy vibe. I’ll burn this playing some T-Swift with zero shame, and feel like I’m sitting up in an upstate hotel eating a cupcake in front of a fire. It’s crisp, yet warm, and reminds me a bit of two of their core candles, Rattan and Kindling.

Woodlands, $36

Definitely a late-summer scent, Tomato Terrazzo is the candle I would love to send to my mom, a die-hard Jersey tomato fan forever. Fruitier than I expected, but a crowd-pleaser with it’s crisp sweetness that is mellow and warm. This brings me back to our summer trip to Italy, overlooking the vineyards at our hotel in Tuscany. And in the words of Chris, it has the essence of a summer evening with the windows open and warm breeze coming through. You heard it here first…

Tomato Terrazzo, $36

This candle reminds me sipping a Honey Deuce cocktail at the U.S. Open on a perfect September evening. There’s a very melon-y vibe to this candle that is balanced with some cider spices and earthy notes. Perhaps the fruitiest of the bunch, this has a super clean scent that will really warm up any space. I don’t want to call this simple, but it’s just really enjoyable and easy. If you’re unsure of what you like, this is a great place to start.

Velvet Persimmon, $36

For any lovers of sweet-smelling candles, lovers of pumpkin bread and and oat-milk anything, this is your candle. I’m a salty over sweet girl forever, but if you are all about the warm vanilla sugar kind of scents, you will love this. A nutty, milky scent, this candle will be cozy and warm on a cold and overcast Fall day, or lighting before Thanksgiving dinner with family. While it’s not my favorite of the scents, I really know what I like when it comes to candles. I think this one will be a delicious one while burning.

Berkshires Granola, $36

If you haven’t tried Otherland candles, I can’t recommend them enough. I really love their packaging (even Chris was impressed by the aesthetics), and that they come with their own set of matches. For me, candles are always a joyful, feel-good purchase, and if you are looking for something to warm up your space or impress your company, candles are always it. For luxury candles, these are a great price, and you can even build a 3-pack and save $20. This is such a gorgeous collection, and I’m so grateful Otherland let me try them first. Happy burning!

Thank you for shopping my blog post! For transparency, these candles are not affiliate links, but were generously gifted to me by the Otherland team. I only share products I use and love on Pretty Busy Brooklyn, and appreciate your ongoing support of the site.