Pretty Busy Weekly, 07.13.20

The past week has been a total blur. I am not sure really sure what I have been doing all week, beyond binge-watching Gilmore Girls. I’m in the part of summer vacation where the days are blending together, and I have a hard time knowing what day it is. Here’s what has kept me pretty busy this week.
I’m still chugging and plugging through my thesis, and it’s probably the only thing grounding me these days. It means a lot of reading of a lot of really dense research. In the midst of that, I am trying to squeeze in some more personal reading. I just started A Good Neighborhood, and so far it’s pretty good. It’s about a bi-racial family and a white family that become neighbors. There’s a teenage romance and arguments over a shared land border in their mutual backyards. Definitely much more to the story here- I’ll keep you posted.
It was time for a pedicure this week, and while I really want to get back into a salon, I am just not quite ready for that yet. I spent way too much money on some nail care tools, and am really loving this set from Essie and this kit from Glamsquad. The red is a very summery red (kind of reminds me of my favorite Clam Bake from Essie), and the top coat is holding up really well. The brushes also have that rounded edge that make it so easy to paint. If only it didn’t require ambitious yoga positions to reach my toes these days.
I find that I never drink enough water during the summer, mostly because I hate my rabbit-sized bladder when I am going up to the beach. But when I am dehydrated, I always end up with a headache around dinner-time. In an effort to stay hydrated, especially when I work out in the heat, I have been loving these hydration tablets. You just pop one into your water; some even have caffeine especially for working out, or extra vitamins with only 1 gram of sugar. This is my third time repurchasing.
I have strong beliefs about seltzer, and I really believe that Spindrift is a superior seltzer to all others. Chris and I go through cases of this stuff (it currently occupies our entire bottom shelf in the fridge), but I recently discovered the pineapple flavor. You can only get it online (I haven’t ever seen it in stores) and it’s a tad more expensive than the other flavors (this makes me feel like it’s rare), but it is so worth it. This is my new favorite flavor.

I’ve been trying to up my earring game. I decided to go with gold, but I ordered these for my second hold, and this pair for my third hole. The diamond studs in my first hole were a gift from Chris for my 30th birthday. I love the look of this new stack.
In skincare news, I’ve been loving this tanning mist from St. Tropez that I recently purchased. It provides the perfect amount of glow, and smells so amazing. Most self-tanners make my face break out, so I love that this spray is easy to use, doesn’t feel sticky, and doesn’t create breakouts.
I’ve also been reading Caroline Hiron’s Skincare, and it’s really such a wealth of knowledge. I never knew much about her, but now I am learning more about her collaboration with Pixi that I didn’t realize was her. I picked up this Pixi toner a few weeks ago, and I have to say, I really like it. It’s a great budget buy, has a great smell, and feels very luxurious on the skin. I also want to try this mask.
And I always travel with my tried and true Summer Fridays Jet Lag mask. Hot summer tip for you– put it in the freezer for 20-30 minutes before you use it. It is a DREAM post-shower.
On a final note, at some point I will have to return to the city to collect this beauty. I saw BrooklynBlonde post about the diptqyue candle cloche (did not know this was a thing) and I thought it was gorgeous. So I purchased this more affordable and equally divine version on Etsy from a small business, and it finally shipped this week after a few weeks. I can’t wait to get my hands on it! Which fancy candle should I get to put under it? I am thinking this one that I’ve had my eye on for a few weeks from a Black-owned business.
That’s all I’ve got for you this week. I’ve got a great post on face masks coming this week, so look out for that! Enjoy the week, and let me know what’s keeping you pretty busy.