Revitalash Eyebrow and Eyelash Serums Review

The only time I ever did anything beyond mascara with my eyelashes was for my wedding. A few days before, I went and got eyelash extensions, in the spirit of *do everything other brides do*. And to be honest, while I don’t necessarily regret it, I hated having them. Granted, I didn’t follow the directions, and I put mascara on them for my wedding day. No regrets.
Some of those little lashes stayed in for weeks, and they left my natural lashes a little dull in comparison. And I haven’t every had the desire to get them again. But as a mascara addict, I am often lusting after longer, fuller lashes, and I feel like I have found a product that has really paid off.
I think when you have tried a lot of skincare, you get a little jaded. You buy an expensive product, and then you wait and wait for results to show themselves, often disappointed by what happens in little effect or none at all. And while a lot of these products are fine – they certainly don’t hurt – I’m rarely blown away by real results.
Now, I am going to start this review by saying that I have never seriously tried another eyelash or eyebrow growth product to compare Revitalash to. So I cannot say how or if this product compares to others on the market, because there are a lot, and I have heard lots of mixed reviews. I purchased this product because one of my favorite skincare influencers posted it on sale, and said it was the best of the best. So I thought, why not?
I bought the Revitalash Advanced Eyebrow Conditioner and Eyelash Conditioner Duo, figuring I would try one with the other since they are sold in a package set. I started using this product in August, and just finished the eyebrow serum (it was a 6 week supply, and I would say it lasted me about 8). I’m still working through the eyelash conditioner (it’s sold as a 6 month supply), but I have already seen tremendous growth.
I use both products at night, and was religious about using them every night. I applied the products after I did my skincare routine, as a kind of finishing step, swiping the conditioner across my brows and then my lash line. Neither product caused me any irritation, which is always a pleasant surprise when you have sensitive skin (I am currently nursing a cute swollen eyelid reaction from an eyeshadow I tried this weekend). The worst and only side effect I experienced was a mild itchy sensation on my eyebrows in the morning, where the skin was slightly dry.
But that itching was all worth it when I noticed the tiny brow hairs popping up and filling in by eyebrows, especially in some of their sparser spots. I’ve had so much growth on my eyebrows, that I find myself having to tweeze a few days a week, as new little hairs keep popping up. I have found these results increased when I used this serum in combination with my GloPro microneedling device, which I run over my eyebrows in all directions for about 30 seconds each. This really just allows the product to fully penetrate and work it’s magic. And it really has! Granted, I have some grooming to do, but this is what my brows look like before I fill them in.

Perhaps the results that surprised me the most was the amount of growth I have seen in my eyelashes. I am about halfway through my supply, and I can already tell you I plan to repurchase this just based on the growth I have seen so far.
Not only have my lashes grown longer, which I really noticed when my mascara was leaving some residue on my eyelids because my eyelashes were so long they were transferring product. I asked myself- is this just the mascara? And while I think this growth in combination with my Ilia mascara is a winner, I can notice so much length in my lashes that they are even beginning to curl, as well as fill out in volume.

For me, these two products will be an absolute repurchase, and while I cannot compare them to others on the market, I couldn’t help but share my success with them. These are expensive products, but you do get many months out of them. I already repurchased the eyebrow serum, and am so happy with the results.
Bottom line? I highly recommend these products if you have thought about or are in the market for a growth serum, this is a golden ticket. Shop both products below.
Thank you for shopping my blog post! This post contained affiliated links, which means I may make a small commission off of any purchases made using them. I have tried and loved these products, and appreciate your ongoing support of Pretty Busy Brooklyn!