Life + Style

Self-care starter pack: quarantine edition

For some reason, investing in yourself is hard. At least for me, or any Type 1 people out there. I have a really hard time setting time and energy aside for myself. So often, my friends, family, or my husband are telling me to slow down and sit still. But I take after my mom, and that’s just a really hard thing for us do-ers to do.

Usually, I end up crashing. HARD. And my husband is always there to pick up the pieces and force me into some me-time to get myself back on track, whether that’s going to bed at 7 pm on a weeknight, or drawing me a hot bath.

As we transitioned to working from home during quarantine, I could feel the anxiety of being out of control creeping up, hard. And that lack of control is the hardest for me. So I made it a goal to find the aspects of my daily routine that I could control, and I have to say it has helped.

I don’t take it for granted that I have the flexibility and privilege to do this right now. In fact, that’s part of the self-care that I am trying to do each day. Remind yourself of what you get to do each day, not what you cannot do. That small routine can really shift your perspective every day, and remind you of what you do have. For me, that’s a lot to be grateful for.

Bottom line: if you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of others. So if you’re able, build yourself a routine where you set aside time for yourself each day. Although last on your list, taking care of yourself is important to keep us positive and healthy right now. Here are a few of the things you can do each day to prioritize your self-care.

Simple + healthy habits

My morning ritual- hot water with lemon, Manuka honey, and Vital protiens collagen. Dishes are Noritake Colorwave.

Start your morning or end your night with something warm. I start every morning with a cup of hot water, mixed with collagen (more on this coming soon), a lemon wedge, and a spoonful of Manuka honey. Not only is this good for your health (Manuka honey is a natural antibiotic- expensive, but so worth it), but it also has a calming effect that sets the tone for your day/sleep cycle.

Following that up, I always make my bed. Making your bed takes two minutes (a little more if you have as many pillows as me), and it sets a tone of productivity for the rest of your day. I guarantee that you end up doing a few more minutes of tidying up before you sit down. And you will be forever grateful you took time to do it when you get it bed that night to the feeling of crisp sheets.

Exercise. Period.

Exercise. Period. The days you want to do it the least, are the days you need it the most. While I did work out regularly before quarantine, this is the PERFECT time to build an at-home workout routine if getting to the gym has been hard for you in the past. Exercising develops endorphins, but it also just gives you a send of accomplishment that lasts throughout the day.

I highly recommend the Peloton app (fun fact: you don’t need a bike to get the app and enjoy thousands of yoga, cardio, stretching and strength workouts from your phone). Start with the 30 day free trial and push yourself to dedicate 30 minutes to yourself each day.

Obe fitness is another great app that also includes dance cardio classes and Pilates. Their workouts are quick and simple, and focus on the exercise at hand, without a lot of smoke and mirrors. They also have a free trial you can sign up for to try it out.

Appearance matters

I know this might seem controversial, but the way you look really does dictate the way you feel. In college, I lived in a big sorority house. And I loved to share my motto in the mornings before class that a couple of friends have recently reminded me: pants = productivity.

Although I am no stranger to sweatpants (I’ve got multiple pairs of tie-dye sweats), by week nine it was time to put on some real pants. And I have to say. It makes a difference.

Maybe pants aren’t your thing (lol). That’s cool. But what’s one beauty routine that you can incorporate into your day or your week to make you feel confident again? Paint your nails, use a face mask, slap on some self-tannner, blow dry your hair, or put on some mascara.

Whatever it is, make sure you feel like you again. The minute or two you take to do this will be worth it for the rest of the day. Trust me.

Nightly soak

Anyone who knows me knows that since I was a child, I have loved the bath life. For me, baths > shower, any day of the week. There is something about the time I am in the bath that my mind quiets, and I let all of the tension slip away. I prioritize myself.

If you have a tub, I cannot tell you enough about the positives of taking a warm bath in the evening to unwind. Not only can it calm your anxiety, but is helps with the physical tension, especially now that we are sitting all day. A warm bath before bed can help joints and muscles ease and prime you for a solid night of sleep.

So light a candle, put some epsom salts (essential!) and your favorite bubbles in, and grab a book or a pair of headphones to listen to your favorite podcast or music. This is a self-care choice you will not regret. And if you’re grossed out by the idea of sitting in a bath, then quickly rinse off in the shower after.

What are you doing to take care of yourself right now? What’s your easy routine that you need to prioritize every day? Let me know in the comments below. Sending positive vibes your way!