The Weekly

Pretty Busy Weekly, 08.03.20

Because my neighbor told me he liked my “tiara”…
Do you. No filter, no makeup, no judgement, just skin.

The first text I always send on the first of the month is to say, “rabbit, rabbit,” to my family. In this weird world we are living in, it’s a tradition that we have stuck to, and I couldn’t believe when I was the first to send it on Saturday (now, I supposedly have good luck for the rest of the month). I feel like I always start the Weekly by asking where has the time gone, but this time, I am genuinely confused and concerned about summer being half way over. But alas, here’s what has kept me pretty busy this last week…

In my natural summer state, no makeup, jean shorts, and a headband.

I drove back to Brooklyn early last week to get my hair done, and it sure felt great. I had my amazing stylist put some balayage highlights in to lighten things up, and I’m in love. I’m putting together a post with my favorite hair care essentials this week, so look out for that goodness.

I’ve been back into the morning walks on the beach, which means lots of time for podcasts. I have a few recommendations for you this week. I made the drive home to Brooklyn and back to the shore earlier in the week, so I started 1619. This is a podcast that flips the narrative of American history by starting in 1619, when the first group of enslaved peoples were brought from Africa to Virgina. The podcast explores the way history has been told through a White lens, and is being used by educators looking to shift history curriculum away from these singular perspectives. I really enjoyed episode 3- it reframes the history of American music.

I had to check out the Michelle Obama podcast as soon as it dropped, and it was worth the rush. Michelle and Barack, together, on a podcast. God, it’s great to remember what an intelligent and human couple leading our country felt like. Definitely check out episode one, which dives into the meaning of community and how that has influenced the Obama’s, as well as how it’s impacting young Americans today. There is hope…

I listened to the first two episodes of this new podcast, Nice White Parents, that explores the privilege and power that White parents have in navigating the New York City public school system. I actually dug into the school district that the first episode dives into for a graduate final recently, and wow, did this podcast really illuminate that shit through narratives. This podcast is uncomfortable to listen to, and has stirred up a lot of controversy among, who else, white parents with ruffled feathers. Definitely check it out.

On a much different note, I tried out the Breaking Beauty podcast on my morning stroll today, and wow, I can see myself being very addicted to this. It will absolutely fuel your shopping wish list if you’re into beauty and skincare, so proceed with caution. But if you’re interested in the ingredients and business aspect of the beauty industry, this one is for you.

I only got through one book this week, but I sure did cruise through it. I loved, The Beauty in Breaking, and I don’t use the word “love” about books very often. Really liked, sure, but loved? Not always. This is a memoir from a Black woman who is an emergency room doctor. She highlights her experiences in the healthcare industry as a Black woman, and the lessons to be learned from her work with the people who are served by emergency rooms in larger cities. I thought it was so captivating, and I finished it in about 24 hours because I couldn’t put it down. This is a must listen, in my opinion. Looking at purchasing this and this as a result.

I had a lot of new skincare delivered this week. I was dying to try the ILIA mascara, because their ads really got me with the length and volume. Truthfully, I liked the length it gave my lashes, and the double-sided brush, but I felt like the mascara didn’t dry fully throughout the day, and therefore, didn’t hold the shape throughout the day. Could also be because it is humid as hell, but I’ll keep experimenting with that one.

While reading Caroline Hirons’ skincare bible, I was informed that I really needed to invest in a spritz for my skincare routine to help keep my skin hydrated throughout the day. If you tell me I need it, and sell it like she did, then I need it. So I ordered this spray to use in my AM and PM routines after cleansing and before serums. I love any and all hydration, and this one really settles nicely on the face without giving any texture or leaving residue. I’m still waiting on the long-term effects, but mostly, it’s nice to keep your skin fresh throughout the day.

I got a sample of this vitamin packed serum from a brand I’ve been wanting to try, Indie Lee, and I have to say, it was really nice. It has more of an oilier finish (likely due to the vitamin E component), but I personally like a dewy look. It might be better as a nighttime serum if you aren’t into that vibe, but it has vitamins A, E and C. I will definitely be purchasing this when I run through my current vitamin C serum.

If you watched my Instagram stories this week, then you know that I picked up a gua sha and became instantly hooked. I am going to do a more extensive post on this tool, because truthfully it was a both soothing and instantly de-puffed my face. I definitely recommend you watch a video before you do it (I used this one for reference), but it’s a great routine to do while you watch TV at night, after you do your evening skincare routine.

I got this new cleansing balm in the mail this week after I ran out of one of my favorites (and my reorder from QVC got lost in the mail, then mysteriously showed up a week later). I wanted to try something new, as I saw it’s one of the more cost-effective clean beauty balms on the market. I really love any and all Drunk Elephant; it has the most mild smell of any cleansing balm, and it doesn’t leave a lot of residue behind like some cleansing balms. I’m going to put together a post on my favorites, coming soon.

After seeing one of my favorite skincare people post about these “steam” eye masks from Amazon, I was convinced I needed them enough to order. I was actually quite excited for these with my recent nighttime headaches, and so I tried one out ASAP. To be honest, slightly underwhelmed, but I also fall asleep really quickly, so I am not sure I got to enjoy the benefits. I am going to try again during the day, but I think these would be great for travel- selfcare on the go.

I decided to watch Beyonce’s new production on Disney+, Black is King. And as per usual, I was not disappointed. I basically watched with my jaw on the floor, in awe of the visual magic that she created. From the fashion, to the story-telling, to the lyrical masterpieces, to Blue Ivy’s cameos, I was totally in love with this incredible celebration of Black culture and pride. So worth a subscription if you don’t have one. “Brown Skin Girl” is such a beautiful song, and has been stuck in my head since I first heard it.

On a final note, I decided to take the plunge and buy this CBD set that you’ve probably seen if you’ve been on Instagram. I’ve been really struggling with migraines and headaches over the past two months, and I am hoping that, among many other plans of attack, this will provide some relief for my anxiety and my ongoing pain. I have found it more immediately effective than any other CBD I have tried before, and there’s barely any taste. So far, I think the dropper is the most effective, but I am just getting started. I also like that there is a sense of transparency, and it’s geared towards women. You can use my referral code (REFAAESCOBA) to get $10 off your first order.

That’s all she wrote for this week. I hope you enjoy these weekly posts- they are a taste of what I am buying, trying, and inspired by each week, and I love putting them together for you. Stay pretty busy!