The year before I got married, I thought it was a great idea to dye my hair a platinum blonde. If you ever want to learn the real meaning of hair care, then start as a platinum blonde and work your way back to healthy hair. It’s a journey, and it’s best if you have...
I know that skincare can be a big investment. That’s why I wanted to create my own series featuring the brands that I believe are really worth the investment. Over...
I know, I know. Summer and candles are not necessarily two things that go hand in hand. But, I am petitioning to change that. Because candles aren’t just about making...
It’s really almost August, and I hate that my favorite season feels halfway over. To be totally honest, the last week was not great. I landed myself in the ER...
In the momentum of quarantine’s social media pressure to Marie Kondo my apartment, I thought it was a fabulous idea to clean out and organize my closet. I now have...
Chris has headed back to the city, and this is the first time that we have spent significant time apart since early March. It’s a little bit disorienting, I must...